Heavy Lift Planning Services
Lloyds British International are global leaders in providing Heavy Lift Planning Services Across Africa and The Middle East
200 Years Experience
Lloyds British International work with our clients to ensure that they remain compliant
Operating in 11 Countries
We also have some of the best and most respected individuals from the industry managing our teams
Global Network of Facilities
We have strategically located facilities situated throughout the Middle East and Africa allowing us to serve impressive client base
Lift Planning Services
The core of Lloyds British International is lifting. After all we are a lifting company. Our dedicated teams are highly experienced in planning methods of load movement using all types of lifting equipment, from crawler cranes to offshore cranes.
When looking to use crane or preparing for a complex lift you may need a Lift Plan to ensure full compliance with health and safety legislation. Not only that but to ensure the safety of individuals involved and minimising the risk. Lloyds British International's technical teams are fully equipped with Appointed Persons who can create a detailed Lift Plan, method statement and risk assessment tailored for your needs.
All of our lift plans are are created in accordance with internationally recognised standards and legislation such as LOLER 1998 and BS-EN-7271 and all follow the correct Approved Code of Practice (ACOP).
Fatalities Per Year due to Lifting Incidents
Lift Planning Explained by The Lifting Experts.
Safe and successful lifting operations only start with one thing, a lift plan. The planning of individual routine lifting operations may be the responsibility of those who carry them out (eg a slinger or crane operator). But for much more complex lifting operations (eg a tandem lift using multiple cranes), a written plan should be developed by a person with significant and specific competencies – adequate training, knowledge, skills and expertise – suitable for the level of the task – Lloyds British International!
For straightforward, common lifting operations, a single initial generic plan may be all that is required (eg fork-lift trucks in a factory), which could be part of the normal risk assessment for the activity. However, from time to time it may be necessary to review the plan to make sure that nothing has changed and the plan remains valid. Routine lifting operations which are a little more complex may, depending on the circumstances, need to be planned each time the lifting operation is carried out.
The plan for any lifting operation need to address all the foreseeable risks involved in the work and identify the correct resources (including people) necessary for safe and successful completion of the job. Factors you ought to think about every time before lifting a load should be as follows ;
- working under suspended loads
- visibility
- attaching / detaching and securing loads
- environment
- location
- overturning
- proximity hazards
- derating
- lifting people
- overloading the equipment you have
- pre-use checking ( is the lifting equipment safe)
- continuing integrity of the equipment (achieved through a thorough examination)
The lifting plan needs to set out clearly the actions involved at each step of the operation and identify the responsibilities of those involved. Clarity is essential when lifting! The degree of planning and complexity of the plan will vary and should be proportionate to the foreseeable risks involved in the work. As the old saying goes “Fail to Prepare then Prepare to Fail.” Failure in these situations is not only dangerous for those involved but expensive.
Get in touch with one of lifting experts today
Lloyds British International have been lifting since 1812! We aim for nothing other than complete customer satisfaction.
What Else Do I Need to Consider in a Lift Plan?
Strength and Stablity
Lifting equipment needs to be of adequate strength for the proposed use. For example to lift a 5 ton load you'll need equipment that is capable of this. The assessment of this should recognise that there may be a combination of forces to which the lifting equipment, including the accessories, will be subjected. The lifting equipment used should provide an appropriate 'factor of safety' against all foreseeable types of failure. It is essential within a lift plan you consider this.
POsitioning and Installation
The position of mobile lifting equipment or the location of fixed installations will have a dramatic effect on the risks involved in a lifting operation. It is vital to take all practical steps to avoid people being struck by loads or the equipment itself during use. The equipment should also be positioned to minimise the need to lift over people. Measures should be taken to reduce the risk of load drift (eg spinning, swinging, etc); and of the load falling freely or being released unintentionally.
Working under suspended loads
Where it can be avoided, loads should not be suspended over occupied areas, ie over people. Where it cannot be avoided, the risks to people must be minimised by safe systems of work and appropriate precautions. This needs to be in your lift plan and of had significant thought. Where loads are suspended for significant periods, the area below them should be classed as a danger zone, where access is restricted.
Supervision of lifting operations
Supervision should be proportionate to the risk, taking account of the competencies and experience of those undertaking the lift. Many everyday lifting operations do not require direct supervision (eg experienced fork-lift operators undertaking routine lifts), although there may be circumstances where supervisory assistance may be required to manage risk (eg lifting an unusual load, crossing a public road etc). From time to time, employers may need to monitor the competence of workers undertaking lifting operations to ensure they continue to be carried out safely.