Lifting Equipment Inspection

The Leading Global Provider of Lifting Equipment Inspection Services

For over 200 years, Lloyds British International has been a trusted name in inspection, testing and certification services

The core of Lloyds British International for over 200 years has been providing lifting equipment inspections in accordance with LOLER 1998. Along the way Lloyds British International has gathered unrivalled first-hand experience in all manner of inspection techniques, across a broad range of industries across the globe . When we carry out an inspection and thorough examination we aim to implement a safer working environment, protects your organisations employees and ensures the lifting equipment is safe to use. Lloyds British International currently offer Lifting Equipment Inspections in Ghana, Uganda, Bahrain, Kuwait, Mauritania and the surrounding countries.

Lifting Equipment Inspection Services

Lifting Accessories Inspection

Lifting accessories are pieces of equipment that are used to attach the load to lifting equipment. Lifting Accessories are subject to a mandatory 6 monthly thorough examination (lifting equipment inspection. Examples of Lifting Accessories are items such as webbing sling, hook,etc

Overhead Crane Inspection

Lloyds British International overhead crane inspection service is to not only ensure that compliance is achieved but the equipment continues to be safe and efficient to use. Lloyds British International offer crane inspections in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Uganda,Kuwait, Ghana and all surrounding countries.

Mobile Crane Inspection

Mobile Cranes are an essential asset across a multitude of industries all around the world. Lloyds British International ensure the working order and continued safety of the mobile crane. This is one of the many reasons as to my lifting equipment inspections are essential.

Hoist Inspection

If you own hoisting equipment, you need to ensure that they remain in a safe working condition and remain compliant with local and international legislation. This is where Lloyds British International are able to assist through our vast knowledge of legislation and our lifting equipment inspection services.

Lifting Equipment Inspection Services

All lifting equipment under LOLER 1998 requires a statutory thorough examination to ensure the safety of those using it and ensuring the equipment remains in good working order.

More About Lifting

Lloyds British International specialise in all things lifting related. From heavy lifting solutions right through to training to proof load testing Lloyds British International are your global go to provider.

Overview of the Thorough Examination and Inspection of Lifting Equipment

Lifting Equipment Inspection (LOLER 1998) is a thorough examination of lifting equipment carried out at specific intervals. These inspections are to be carried out by a competent person who then must complete a written report.

The report was include ;

  • Name and address of the employer and the premises where the Inspection takes place
  • Identification and known date of manufacture of the Lifting Equipment
  • Date of last Inspection
  • The safe working load of the lifting equipment
  • The interval in which the lifting equipment inspections must take place
  • State any defects identified in the inspection of the lifting equipment
  • The name, address and qualifications of the competent  person undertaking the inspection of the lifting equipment
  • The date the inspection report was made

When Lloyds British International completes an Inspection and thorough examination we aim to implement a safer environment close contact with the lifting equipment but also ensures that the organisation remains compliant with LOLER 1998.

To verify that lifting equipment and accessories remain safe Lloyds British International use thorough examinations and inspections throughout the lifetime of Lifting Equipment and Lifting Accessories for an organisatio.

  • Before first time use – If a piece of equipment has been assembled on site it must be examined and inspected by a competent person to ensure that the assembly of the lifting equipment has been done correctly. If lifting equipment has an EC declaration of conformity, less than a year  old and wasn’t assembled on site this is not applicable.
  • After Assembly and Before use – For lifting equipment that required assembly of installation before use.
  • Regularly whilst in use – If the lifting equipment is exposed to conditions where deterioration is expected. The majority of lifting equipment is subject to “wear and tear” so will need to receive a regular in service inspection. The two choices you have are ; Arrange for a thorough examination of the lifting equipment to be carried out at the specific intervals state in LOLER or conduct inspections in accordance with an examination scheme for the specific lifting equipment drawn up by a competent person.
  • Following Exceptional Circumstances – Such things that are likely to impact the safety of the Lifting Equipment ; Damage, Out of use for long periods, modifications, replacements.

The scope of what is covered in the thorough examination and inspection of the lifting equipment depends on the judgement of the competent person undertaking it. However Lloyds British International endeavour to meet all needs to include all matters which will affect the safety of the lifting equipment for the customer.

For the common lifting equipment and accessories there are set industry procedures and criteria which a competent person would follow when undertaking the inspection. The standard methods of a thorough examination are as follows;

  • Visual Inspection and Functional checks
  • Measurements of wear
  • In some case NDT ( non-destructive testing) and load testing may be required
  • Sometimes disassembly or internal inspections may be applicable


In the case where there is not a examination scheme specifying other internals, thorough examination and inspection of lifting equipment according to LOLER 1998 should be carried out ;

  • 6 months, for lifting equipment and associated accessories used to lift people (ie. Access Equipment, MEWPS)
  • 6 months, for lifting accessories (ie. Chain Slings, Webbing Slings, shackles, eyebolts)
  • 12 months, for all other lifting equipment (ie. Cranes and forklift trucks)

It is essential these time periods are followed to ensure lifting equipment is compliant with Lifting Operations and Lifting equipment regulations 1998 (LOLER). We here at Lloyds British International are here to manage you’re compliance to ensure your workforce and organisation remain compliant and safe.

A loler inspection and a Lifting Equipment inspection are the same thing! A lifting equipment inspection has many acronyms such LOLER Test, LOLER Inspection or  Third Party Inspections however all those sayings mean exactly the same thing. A Lifting Equipment Inspection by definition is –

The systematic and detailed thorough examination of the equipment and safety-critical parts, carried out at specified intervals by a competent person who must then complete a written report. This report must contain the information required by LOLER Schedule 1, including:

  • the examination date
  • the date when the next thorough examination is due
  • any defects found which are (or could potentially become) a danger to people

Where serious defects are identified, the competent person carrying out the examination must immediately report this verbally to the dutyholder. This should then be followed by the written report, a copy of which must also be sent to the relevant enforcing authority.

For more information on what a loler inspection or lifting equipment inspection is please visit our news page.

Why Choose Lloyds British International over other Lifting Equipment Inspection Providers?

Lloyds British International as group has been operating on an international status since the 1970’s. This has meant our international teams have unrivalled experience and knowledge when it comes to local and international legislations. Furthermore due the hard working and customer focused culture that is implemented in all our locations it means our teams and customers are always working towards the same goal. Lloyds British International will manage your organisations compliance but also ensure workplace safety and efficiency are also optimised. Another asset that sets us aside from most is our industrial training institute. This means Lloyds British International can be your service provider right the way through from inspection of the equipment to training your individuals how to safely use and operate it no matter where you are in the world.

Lifting Equipment Services
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Testing Services
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Training Services
Our Industrial Training Institute is a world leader in the provision of all aspects of industrial traininig
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